Discipline: Literature – poetry

Sara Lefsyk

Discipline: Literature – poetry
Region: Lafayette, CO
MacDowell Fellowships: 2019

Sara Lefsyk lives in Colorado where she is managing editor of Trio House Press and Creator of Ethel, a bi-yearly handmade journal and micropress. Her first book, We Are Hopelessly Small and Modern Birds, was released in May of 2018 by Black Lawrence Press. Previous publications include such places as Bateau, The Greensboro Review, The New Orleans Review, Phoebe, Poetry City, and Tinderbox among others.

While at MacDowell, she worked on her new series of poems, the beginnings of her second book, tentatively titled, When they taught me how to slit the bird, I put on the mask of this world. Poems from this collection have so far appeared in Tinderbox (Volume 5, Issue 5) and The Odd Magazine (Issue 17).



Sara Lefsyk worked in the Mansfield studio.

The Helen Coolidge Mansfield Studio was donated by graduates of the Mansfield War Service Classes for Reconstruction Aides. Helen Mansfield helped found the New York MacDowell Club. The small, shingled frame structure with stone foundation was originally fronted on the west side by a neat white picket fence and gate, a garden, and a stone pathway…

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