Sarah Carr is a mixed media artist. Born in West Virginia and currently living in Philadelphia, PA, she first learned felting techniques from Michael Cornfield at Marshall University, where she studied art and earned a degree in anthropology. She became fascinated by the properties and possibilities of wool, and began years of experimentation with wet and needle felting techniques. These experiments eventually led to her current way of working, in which she hand-makes thick, laminated felts, deconstructs them, and then reassembles the pieces in a way that is both painterly and sculptural. Carr is artistic director of the dance theater company WeftWorks, where she creates costumes a fiber sculptures for performance, as well as choreographing and designing the productions.
Sarah Carr
Sarah Carr worked in the Mixter studio.
Built in 1927–1930, the Florence Kilpatrick Mixter Studio was funded by its namesake and designed by the architect F. Winsor, Jr., who also designed MacDowell's original Savidge Library in 1925. Mixter Studio, solidly built of yellow and grey-hued granite, once had sweeping views of Pack Monadnock to the east. The lush forest has now grown…