Discipline: Interdisciplinary Art – performance, Visual Art – mixed media

Suzanne Bocanegra

Discipline: Interdisciplinary Art – performance, Visual Art – mixed media
Region: New York, NY
MacDowell Fellowships: 2008, 2015

Suzanne Bocanegra worked on collages and paintings. Her performance inspired by Joseph Alber's Interaction of Color with Susan Marshall and Jason Trueting premiered at the Kitchen 2016. Her piece Bodycast an Artist Lecture by Suzanne Bocanegra Starring Frances McDormand premiered in New York at BAM in 2013.



Suzanne Bocanegra worked in the Alexander studio.

Originally designed to be a visual art gallery, this facility was built in memory of the late John White Alexander (1856-1915) and funded by Elizabeth Alexander and their son James. John White Alexander was highly regarded as a portrait painter and, in the early part of the 20th century, served…

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