Ting Wang is a literary translator based in the Washington, D.C. metropolitan area. She is the recipient of a Vermont Studio Center / Henry Luce Foundation Chinese Poetry & Translation Fellowship and grants from the Arts and Humanities Council of Montgomery County in Maryland.
Her translations from Chinese have appeared in Ploughshares, The Iowa Review, The Southern Review, Michigan Quarterly Review, Massachusetts Review, Denver Quarterly, World Literature Today Online, Asymptote, and elsewhere. She holds a Ph.D. from the School of Communication at Northwestern University.
While at MacDowell, Wang worked toward the completion of her translation of both a collection of lyric essays by Taiwanese poet and essayist Chen Li and a collection of short stories by Chinese writer Su Tong. Excerpts from her translation of the two projects have appeared in Ploughshares, The Iowa Review, The Southern Review, Massachusetts Review, Michigan Quarterly Review, Denver Quarterly, Asymptote, and elsewhere.