Discipline: Music Composition

Wintter Watts

Discipline: Music Composition
Region: New York, NY and ITALY
MacDowell Fellowships: 1919, 1920
Wintter Haynes Watts (1884–1962) was an American composer of art songs. Watts was born in Cincinnati, and his early studies were in painting, architecture, voice, and organ. He later studied at The Academy of Musical Art in New York and in Florence, Italy. He won the Morris Loeb Prize in 1919 for his symphony Young Blood and the Prix de Rome in 1923. He returned to Italy a few years later and stayed until 1931, when he returned to the United States. After 1931 he fell into obscurity.


Monday Music

Wintter Watts worked in the Monday Music studio.

Given to the residency by the Monday Music Club of Orange, NJ, Monday Music Studio is sited next to an enormous boulder deposited by glaciers thousands of years ago. A small dormer once pierced the east slope of the roof, but after damage suffered in the 1938 hurricane, the roof was rebuilt without the dormer. The interior…

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