The Well School comes to MacDowell for Project Week

May 29, 2024

The Well School (an independent school for pre-school – 8th grade) provides a unique event for its middle grade students (ages 10-14) at the end of each academic year to explore community-based and experiential activities outside of the classroom. ‘Project Weeks’ have been a long-standing tradition at The Well School. It’s a time when the Upper School students have the opportunity to try activities and build skills outside of their regular curriculum. These projects are led by faculty, parents, staff, students, friends, and community members and happen during the last two weeks of school: May 29-June 10.

This year, over the course of four visits to MacDowell, students engaged with staff, visited Fellows in their studios, and learned about the history of our residency program.

Day one: Students toured the James Baldwin Library with Librarian Sadie Green and visited Fellow Cory Henry in Adams Studio to learn about the various ways architecture shapes our world.

Day two:
Fellow Kia Miakka Natisse presented her work that expands beyond what a 'podcast' could be to the students in Savidge Library before Lead Gardener Yedida Landis took them on a tour of the gardens, the day ended with a tea party, prepared by MacDowell's kitchen.

Day three:
After tours to Edward MacDowell's Log Cabin and the Amphitheater, students joined Fellow Ziui Chen Vance in New Hampshire Studio to view her visual storytelling project created while in residence.

Day four:
On their fourth and final day, the students joined Fellow Kyle Rivera in the library to learn about his music composition work. Students then made their way to Nef Studio to enjoy a presentation on film and video with a collaboration by Fellows Juan Pablo González and Ana Isabel Fernández de Alba.

Other events in MacDowell in the Schools 2024