Search MacDowell Artists, Events, News, and more
10,536 results in total within site, ordered randomly. Results 10378-10386.
Valerie Miner
T. J. Anderson
It’s Saying for Me: You Go, Girl!
Transcript: Assemblage and installation artist Betye Saar accepting the 55th Edward MacDowell Medal on August 10, 2014.
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Eighty-eight revolutions around the sun. Eighty-eight revolutions around the sun, and what do I have to show for it.
All the hours, days, weeks, months, years, decades. All of those behind me…
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The MacDowell Virtual National Benefit 2020: Invest In Artists
On October 19th, MacDowell artists, supporters, board, and friends gathered virtually, led by MacDowell Chair and evening host Nell Painter, to celebrate our program and the presentation of the inaugural Marian MacDowell Arts Advocacy Award to ARRAY. ARRAY founder Ava DuVernay accepted the award from Ford Foundation President Darren Walker…
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