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10,469 results in total within site, ordered randomly. Results 10432-10440.

Karen Jackel

Discipline Literature
At MacDowell 1969

CA Conrad

Discipline Literature – poetry
Region Philadelphia, PA
At MacDowell 2013

Mark Campbell

Discipline Theatre – libretto, Theatre – musical theatre, Literature – poetry
Region New York, NY
At MacDowell 1998, 1999, 2001

Mary Kinzie

Discipline Literature
Region Evanston, IL
At MacDowell 1979

Do not disappear the words.

i.When MacDowell dropped “Colony” from its name, I felt trepidation. Certainly any person or organization can choose to change their name, and I myself have changed my name twice already in my 45 years. But it felt to me, as an outside observer, part of a troubling trend towards the…
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Muna Lee

Discipline Literature
At MacDowell 1924

Toby Atlas

Discipline Visual Art
Region Cambridge, MA
At MacDowell 1985

Neil MacFarquhar

Discipline Literature – nonfiction
Region New York, NY
At MacDowell 2006

Nancy Chance

Discipline Music Composition
Region Lake Oswego, OR
At MacDowell 1981, 1982, 1984
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