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10,469 results in total within site, ordered randomly. Results 28-36.

Evelyn Rosenberg

Discipline Visual Art
Region Albuquerque, NM
At MacDowell 1992

Ferner Nuhn

Discipline Literature
Region Claremont, CA
At MacDowell 1933, 1934

Niko Tsakalakos

Discipline Theatre – musical theatre
Region Somerset, NJ
At MacDowell 2022

Bonnie Newman

Discipline Visual Art
Region Houston, TX
At MacDowell 1987

Genevieve Kory Hirsch

Discipline Visual Art
At MacDowell 1956

Board of Directors

Elizabeth “Betty” Gaudreau lives in Boston, MA where she is an interior designer and president of Grand Design, Boston. She has served in fundraising and special events capacities on several Boston boards of directors including the Boys & Girls Club, Women’s City Club, Beacon Hill Nursery School, and Neighborhood Associations…
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Emily Brown

Discipline Visual Art – painting
Region Philadelphia, PA
At MacDowell 2003

Stephanie Rowden

Discipline Interdisciplinary Art
Region Brooklyn, NY
At MacDowell 1991

Emily Miller

Discipline Literature – fiction
Region Washington, D.C.
At MacDowell 2013
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