A Very Small Ball with Very Small Paddles

MacDowell Fellow Jason Reynolds on how a game of ping pong can enrich a residency.

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When we would all gather around the ping pong table and have a couple glasses of wine, all of that stuff, you know, it kind of goes away. And it's like, yeah, we're still just people who want to make stuff, right. It really isn't that much deeper than that.

And we get to take off your cool, and take off your title, and take off all your awards, and take off the money you've made, and take off the life you've lived, and take off your travels. Right? It's like you get to kind of take all that off. And now we're all just gathered around trying to hit a very small ball with very small paddles and have a good laugh.

And I think that part - I think goes underrated about MacDowell. That part I think is as important and as fruitful as all the other things.