Patience Haley & Panos Ghikas Fellowship

Annual and Honorary Fellowships

Interdisciplinary artist Frank WANG Yefeng was the 2023 Patience Haley and Panos Ghikas Fellow. (Joanna Eldredge Morrissey photo)

Interdisciplinary artist Frank WANG Yefeng was the 2023 Patience Haley and Panos Ghikas Fellow. (Joanna Eldredge Morrissey photo)

Patience Haley & Panos Ghikas Fellowship

Established in 2021

This Fellowship was established by visual artists Patience Haley and Panos Ghikas, who met at MacDowell. Patience was known for her printmaking and her works reflecting Maine's rugged coastline. Panos was known for being a master gilder and egg tempura expert. This Fellowship supports visual artists.

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To learn more about naming or giving a Fellowship, contact our development team via email.

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